ICCMIT’2015 Conference Registration

1. All authors of the accepted papers should register to attend the conference.
2. Participants who have no accepted papers can also register to attend the conference as attendant.
3. All registrations associated with accepted papers should be made before 15 March, 2015.
4. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceeding if the payment has been made and at least one author will present the paper at the conference.
5. All authors with accepted papers must submit their camera-ready version in PDF or MS-Word format to: editor@ iccmit.net
6. Registration fee policy:
Date of Payment:          Before/on March 15, 2015          After March 15, 2015
Full registration:                   Euro 450                            Euro 500
Authors with two papers:      Euro 650                            Euro  700
Attendant:                           Euro  300                           Euro  350

One Workshop attendant       Euro  100                           Euro  120

(All Master and PH.D. students accepted papers will get 10% discount on conference fees)


In order to pay your registration fees through wired bank transfer.  kindly, use the following bank information:


Bank Name: Raiffesien Bank

Bank Address: Jalta, Voaclaske nam, 819/43, 11000, Praha 1, Prague, Czech.

Account Name: Universal Society for Applied Research

Account No. : 4067871001/5500

Swift Code: RZBCCZPP

IBAN:  CZ3155000000004067871001


Use the following registration form: Registration Form


7. All the papers of the ICCMIT'15 proceeding will be FREE on www.Sciencedirect.com.            
8. The full registration includes: coffee breaks, break  lunch, gala dinner for the two days of conference, attending all tutorials and technical sessions, and sight-seeing trip inside Prague.
9. The conference trip which will be organized in the third day of the conference, it will be optional and extra money will be charged from participants who are willing to participate in the trip.
10. Visas are generally required when entering Czech Republic. Participants of ICCMIT 2015 must hold visa for conference purpose. Therefore, please let us know in the registration form whether you will need a visa.

Conference Program

accepted papers .........to be announced

Conference Organizer

Universal Society for Applied Research

The ITT Technical Institute - USA